Welcome to Farmers EC
Your co-op membership begins when you set up your account. Use the resources on this page to Open, Transfer, or Close your Farmers Electric Cooperative account. Learn about our various Billing Plans before you apply and choose the option that works best for you.
Apply for Service
Cancel Service
To cancel service with Farmers Electric, contact a Member Care Representative at 903 455 1715.
Review Bill Plans
Proactive Plan
With a proactive, prepaid PowerUP account from Farmers EC, you can monitor, manage, and recharge your account any time by phone or by using the SmartHub mobile app.
Traditional Plan
If your budget is flexible enough to handle seasonal spikes and other variations, choose this option for monthly usage billing. This plan can be paid through SmartHub, bank draft, mail, or phone.
Budget Plan
Averaging Month-to-Month
With the stability of a predictable bill, Budget Billing lets you pay an average based on the current plus past 11 months. This evens out extreme swings during the hottest days of summer and the coldest of winter.
Residential Service
Open Account
You can use our online application to create a new account or transfer service. Members can also choose to download the PDF application to print out and send back to our Member Care team.
Download PDF Applications
PDF: Start Service Residential
PDF: Inicio Servicio Residencial – Español
For meter set at construction, please use the Construction dropdown.
Commercial Service
For a commercial or other non-residential account, please review and complete the appropriate forms. Be sure to consult us with any questions you have. we’re glad to help.
Request: Designation as a Non-Residential Critical Load Member
Commercial Account Set Up
For a commercial or other non-residential account, please review and complete the appropriate forms. Be sure to consult us with any questions you have and we’ll be glad to help get you started right.
Service Fees & Charges
Service Fees are applicable to all members for various account and cooperative services. Please review the PDF for current fees.
For all construction without existing meters, access the appropriate webpage below. Be sure to contact us with any questions you may have.
Manage Account
SmartHub App
At home or on the go, SmartHub is the FREE, easy, and safe way to manage your account. Monitor and analyze your energy use, receive notifications, and make payments. Create a SmartHub account online, and you can download the SmartHub app to your Apple or Android device.
Update Account Information
Life changes and when it does don’t forget to update Farmers EC. Whether your contact information changes or last name changes due to marriage, use this form to keep us up-to-date to better serve you.
Release Name on Account
Use this form to remove members from your Farmers EC account.
Service Fees & Charges
Service Fees are applicable to all members for various account and cooperative services. Please review the PDF for current fees.
Close Account
To cancel service with Farmers Electric, contact a Member Care Representative at 903 455 1715.
If you are moving outside of the Farmers Electric Cooperative, please update your contact information so you may continue to receive any Capital Credit member bonuses you are still entitled to. Click here to provide your new address and contact information.